Which Flower You Should Offer To Maa Durga As Per Your Zodiac Sign

​During Navratri, it is believed that offering an appropriate flowers to Maa Durga according to your zodiac sign will increase her blessings and strengthen your spiritual bond with the Goddess. Every sign of the zodiac is connected to a particular flower that embodies the character and cosmic force of that sign. Here's we have given a guide to help you which flower you should present to Maa Durga based on your zodiac sign:​

Which Flower You Should Offer To Maa Durga As Per Your Zodiac Sign
​During Navratri, it is believed that offering an appropriate flowers to Maa Durga according to your zodiac sign will increase her blessings and strengthen your spiritual bond with the Goddess. Every sign of the zodiac is connected to a particular flower that embodies the character and cosmic force of that sign. Here's we have given a guide to help you which flower you should present to Maa Durga based on your zodiac sign:​